Initiate User PDF Report

This method lets the company admin to initiate a request to generating report in PDF format for a user. This report include basic information about the user, the verification performed on them, and who ran a particular verifications etc. This report generation will take 10-20 secs. Once a request is initiated, the admin get report information by calling Fetch Generated User Report method.


  1. For each successful request, the admin must wait 5 minutes to initiating another request in order to generate a new report for the same user.
  2. The "sendMail" field is optional. If it is provided at the time of making a request, we send a confirmation email once the report is ready along with generated link.

This method lets the company admin initiate a request to generate a report in PDF format for a user. This report include basic information about the user, the verification performed on them, and who ran a particular verifications etc. This report generation will take 10-20 secs. Once a request is initiated, the admin gets report information by calling the Fetch Generated User Report method.


  1. For each successful request, the admin must wait 5 minutes to initiate another request to generate a new report for the same user.
  2. The "sendMail" field is optional. If it is provided when making a request, we send a confirmation email and the generated link once the report is ready.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!