Fetch Global Watchlist Records

The Global Watchlist Fetch API allows organizations to retrieve results from a previously conducted Global Watchlist Search. This endpoint provides access to stored search results, enabling efficient record retrieval without needing to re-run the initial search.


  • Fetches results from a previously executed Global Watchlist Search request.
  • Ensures consistent access to search results without duplicating queries.
  • Supports compliance and audit requirements by maintaining search history.

When to Use This API?

  • When you need to retrieve results from a past search without initiating a new query.
  • When conducting periodic reviews or audits of previous screenings.
  • When integrating watchlist data into compliance workflows.

Response Structure



The WatchListRecord object does not have a fixed structure, as the format depends on the original data source.
Each provider may define unique fields, codes, and attributes within their records.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!