
Ensure the authenticity of educational credentials.

Our Education API provides two primary functionalities: submitting education details for verification and retrieving the verification status. This functionality is vital for clients who must ensure the authenticity of their user’s educational credentials.

  1. Education Verification Request: Allows submitting an individual's education details. The required fields for this request include institutionName, startDate, degreeTitle, and manualVerification. If manualVerification is set to true, additional information must be provided under manualVerificationDetails, such as institutionAddress, institutionAddressCity, institutionAddressCountry, institutionAddressState, institutionAddressPostalCode, currentlyAttending, and completedSuccessfully. In our system, 1 represents true, and 0 represents false.

For example, setting completedSuccessfully to 1 indicates that the user has completed the education entry. The verification process may take time, and users can check the status through a corresponding API endpoint.

  1. Get Education Verification Result: Obtains an individual's education verification status of previously submitted entries. It is helpful for periodically polling the status, especially when verification requires a manual review. Please note that this endpoint is not included within the Android and iOS SDKs and is intended for server-side integrations only.

It's crucial to acknowledge that the data does not constitute a “consumer report” as defined under the FCRA. Thus, it should not be used for credit, employment, or other FCRA-regulated activities.