Supported Countries for Upload ID

Below is a list of all supported countries, territories, or regions with the Authenticating platform and their respective Country codes to be used when calling Create User.

  • USA - United States of America: this is local to the United States and different from the 'AMOā€™ country code below. - CODE : 0

  • CAN - Canada - CODE: 1

  • AUS - Australia - CODE: 4

  • ASI - Asia - CODE : 5

  • AMO - Americas (other): any country or territory in North or South America which is not the United States of America. - CODE: 2

  • EUR - Europe - CODE : 3

  • AFR - Africa - CODE: 7

  • OTR - Other: This is to be used if the country or territory is not listed or the admin team has instructed them to do so. - CODE: 6