Embed within an IFrame


Medallion can be used within your application, without the end-user having to leave your platform by embedding the Medallion Link within an IFrame.


Government ID Verification via Medallion

When embedding Medallion into an IFrame, ensure that the Medallion link is opened only on a mobile device if you plan to perform Government ID Verification.

Government ID Verification via Medallion on Desktop is not supported.

You can check the status an on going verification in the following ways:

Best Practices

Below are the best practices to be followed when embedding Medallion within an IFrame.

Government ID Verification

Best practices to be followed when Government ID Verification is enabled in the workflow.

Camera Preview on supported devices

The camera preview by default will fill the width of the screen preserving a 4:3 aspect ratio. It's possible to customize the camera dimensions but if these do not adhere to the aspect ratio, one dimensions will be overridden.

IFrame Styling

Use the below CSS style base when using the IFrame on a mobile device.

  iframe {
    border: 0 !important;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100% !important;
  .iframe-content {
    height: auto;

  @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
    iframe {
    height: 100%;
    .iframe-content {
    height: 96%;